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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 22, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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explorer society gripped by that, unafraid of that. explorers all. until the very end. that will do it here. thank you for joining us. "the five" is now. ♪ >> hi, i am greg gutfield, with jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters and dana perino. "the five." fox news alert. the coast guard confirming the five passengers on the missing titan sub have died after suffering a catastrophic explosion. for breaking details, let's go to mike tobin. >> hope for a miracle is now gone. the u.s. coast guard
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indicating with use of the remote operated vehicles, they found first the tail section of the subme submersible, and five major pieces indicating the pressure chamber or hull of the submersible suffered a catastrophic failure. pilot and passengers on board all died in an instant. the debris from the wreckage is now about 1600 feet off the bow of the titanic itself. remote operations continue at that site, the u.s. coast guard hasn't yet determined if recovery or salvage is practical or possible. >> thanks, mike, for that update. now to ron desantis showing up on gavin newsom's turf. the florida governor taking to the streets of san francisco, bringing attention to the decay of a once great american city. >> we saw people defecating on the street, we saw people using heroin, people smoking crack cocaine. the city is not vibrant any more, it has really
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collapsed because of leftist policies. >> san francisco democratic mayor not taking this crap and hitting back. >> unfortunately in politics the old play book of focusing on the negative and targeting places like san francisco have been unfortunately the norm, so we need to turn that around. i don't know what his experience was. you know, people are taking what they're seeing in videos and seeing in terms of a snapshot and elevating them, but the people who actually live in the tenderloin, have businesses in the tenderloin who are experienced at that, those are the people we should actually be listening to. >> wow. those are the people who have been talking the most about the decline in san francisco, jesse. i understand it. it is personal to her, she's the mayor behind a dramatic change in the city. shouldn't we welcome the attention she's getting? it might force the entire city to do something. >> jesse: i would be humiliated if i were her. i have probably talked to
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more people in the tenderloin than she has. if she talked to them, she might know there's a problem. this city is such a political gift for the republican party. you have a location where all of the people running for president can go to and it is just a pile of every failure the democrats have had, crime, illegals, homelessness. the republican candidate can point to it, say see. this is what democrats give you. this is joe biden. this has given us the ability to link san francisco to joe biden. i mean, you'd rather pay a million dollars to a political consultant for a 30 second ad. you could also spend $500 on a plane ticket to san francisco and take out your iphone and get more traction than that. rfk is getting traction, desantis is getting traction. imagine january 6th is a city. and the democrats could
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fly in there and just put up a podium and then in the background there's a bunch of people wearing red hats climbing all over the capitol saying see, this is what republicans do. it is the same thing. air tight analogy. >> greg: but there's no republican city to point to. you have to makeup an analogy because it doesn't exist. >> jesse: if i were biden, i would be mad. i would call breed, say you're killing me, clean it up. i live in delaware. they're making me out to be dr. tenderloin here. i need a little help. the career is going nowhere if you don't fix this mess. that's what i would do. >> greg: what do you think. >> this happened to me in new york city. >> greg: you were defecating? >> no, i saw someone defecating. and it was within three feet of a police car. and it changes you. it is awful.
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it is awful to see. i feel for these folks who tried to hang on and live in a city they love. that's not the case so much any more. in the two week arrest period, 42 arrests, people committing crimes aren't even from there, first of all. now to go shopping, you have to walk through metal detectors. what is happening. once you get through, they shut off the second exit. god forbid there's a fire. you get there, you have to find an employee to open the locked store shelves to get your toothpaste, it is a mess. why is anybody going to want to live in what is usually the conveniences of downtown living if you don't have those things any more? in 2021 and 2022, 29,000 changed license from california to florida. people vote with their feet. and it is only getting worse. there's no sign anybody is waking up to how bad it is
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getting. >> greg: one-third of the homeless population resides in one state, california. what does that tell you, that they are choosing to come there. >> jeanine: it tells me when the mayor of san francisco, london breed, says don't just take a snapshot, talk to the people, you're the one who created the atmosphere that is drawing the people to the tenderloin district. you're the one, mayor breed, and she's so opposed to people talking about the truth, she's the one who opened the notorious open air drug market in 2022 that cost $18 million because they thought it was a good idea, just like she thought it was good idea to defund the police and now she changed her mind. i think these people are stupid. they either openly want chaos and anarchy or they really are dumb enough to think they've got the
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answer but time makes it clear that they don't have the answers, and this whole thing, it isn't just about breed, mayor breed, london breed, it is about the left versus the right. we are going to have fentanyl available for you, of the 45 arrests, 42 of the people arrested for fentanyl are from out of the state because they want to come into buy fentanyl. they know california is the place to do it, and half a million people in the last two years left california. that's a lot of people in the last two years. it tells you it is a hell hole and they don't want to admit it, they don't want you talking about it, we talked about this yesterday with abc where they said it was too dangerous at 4:00 in the morning to videotape. it is dangerous because the leaders there are not doing anything about it. >> greg: an amazing point made by jesse surprisingly, it is easy to do this to the left because the cities are the product of their ideas.
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so you can see the homelessness, the devastation, the defecation, but you can't do that with a republican city. must be very embarrassing to you as a democrat. how humiliated are you now? >> i am actually feeling pretty good because i have a city to talk about and a city in ron desantis's home state called jacksonville. could also refer to it as the murder capital, place where there's a republican mayor until donna deegan month and a half ago turned that seat, a tv personality, now the mayor. same as colorado springs, colorado, flipping long held republican seat. ron desantis helped himself, his supporters are potential supporters. he ignores that florida has the third highest homeless population behind california, which also has a population double the size of florida, and
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behind new york. and we live here, we know there are a lot of homeless people here. he has the number three highest homeless population, he is not talking about that, not talking about the homicide rate in a city like jacksonville, what his plan is to fix his home state. he is pointing fingers at what's going on in, quote, liberal states. i hope deegan can turn things around in jacksonville, because the republicans when we look at what they're doing as democrats, we say there are things you need to get your house in order about. talked about bakersfield where kevin mccarthy is from, complete republican control, much more dangerous than chicago or new york. everyone has -- >> jesse: i haven't seen them in florida. show me the video. >> jessica: at mar-a-lago, maybe not. >> jesse: i have not seen on our air ever a homeless encampment where everyone is crazy on drugs in the state of florida. >> jessica: odds are if it has the third highest
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homeless population in the country and has good weather, there are people living outside. >> jesse: you're talking people in hammocks, not counting real homeless. >> jessica: i will take this as an utter victory he has gone to people in hammocks. >> jesse: not seen any of homeless in florida. >> jessica: someone in the control room find it. >> you can't count people on the beach as homeless. temporarily unconscious. >> jessica: i am embarrassed for you. >> jesse: make that two of us. all right. coming up, swimmer riley gaines, standing up to democrats as she fights for fairness in women's sports. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jesse: former 12 time all american swimmer riley gaines giving powerful testimony on capitol hill in the fight to protect women's sports. telling congress what it is like to compete against tr trans athlete leah thomas. >> the number hurt by policies that claim to promote inclusion is growing. believing in biology is not bigoted, following the science that there are only two sexes and there are real an important differences between the two sexes is not hateful, it is fact. there isn't even a group of girls who undress in the janitor's closet. they change clothes there because they felt more uncomfortable undressing in that environment than someone with male gaez. they were doing it because they were violated. >> jesse: she said the republicans were promoting
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hateful rhetoric. >> today, transgender youth are among most at risk of homelessness, depression, death by suicide. so when these young people who are already struggling hear politicians amplify hateful rhetoric that denies their very existence, what message does it send? >> my combat to that, what message does this send to women, to young girls who are denied these opportunities so easily their rights to privacy and safety thrown out the window to protect a small population, protect one group, as long as they're happy. >> jesse: before we get to trans, hate to do this, i have to fact check her. we don't accept misinformation. california has the highest homeless rate, florida has the 21st highest rate in the nation. fact check closed. >> jessica: well, it is not. >> jesse: please talk about the trans swimmer. >> jeanine: this is more important, this issue. >> jesse: i can't allow disinformation. judge, would you like to
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say something? >> jeanine: yeah. i am so tired of this whole issue. they say that 1.4% of americans identify as transgender. that means they identify as transgender. that doesn't mean they have trans or gendered. i want to know if dick durbin is so worried about the 1.4% that identify as transgender and may change their mind at some point, what about the 22 veterans a day or 20 now who commit suicide every day. you want to talk about depression, you want to talk about ptsd? let's talk about veterans who are killing themselves because we sent them to war and they did us a solid and we do hit for them, excuse me, do nothing when they come back. i'm sorry i apologize. it is 2023. why do women have to object to a guy watching them undress? what's with this bathroom nonsense? when did this start? this is what happened in loudon county, a girl is raped by a guy in a girls
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bathroom, the guy says he identifies as a female. the school sends him to another school, he then sexually assaults another girl. girls shouldn't be subjected to this. we are defeating women, erasing women, minimizing them, trivializing them, and oppressing them. dick durbin, go back to where you came from. and you know what, i have a feeling where you came from doesn't believe in what you're talking about. >> jessica: because they're not there when a trophy has to be handed to a biological male over a female in an all girls race. that's what happened to riley gaines. what a warrior she is. she is not tiring. and she is not even saying she's for an all out ban of transgenders, she's making it clear, she's advocating for everyone to compete where it is fair and safe. those are her exact words in this testimony. but she's fighting for biology. why is that being ignored? you go back to the ncaa race against leah thomas,
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came down to a hundredth of a second. only had one trophy. i am sure you heard the trophy. they handed it to leah thomas. she didn't get a trophy. when she asked the ncaa why, she said they were not prepared to answer that question. i believe she said this was just -- came down to picture purposes. what they said. picture purposes. think of that happening to collegiate young women. what are we doing and why is nobody in greater numbers not standing up for girls trying to fight for what they see and believe as the right thing to do. >> jesse: greg gutfield. >> greg: well, i am. sometimes i think evil presents itself as absurdity. in this case, you have a young successful woman being attacked by an older man on behalf of other men who claim that they are women while keeping their genitals intact. then when you dare as a
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woman, successful female athlete ask to debate, they say that you're the bad person because you are creating harm and a threat to trans kids. probably the most cowardly defense, cowardly point, to hide behind children you can't even count or name, you're talking to the tiniest, tiny percentage, it is not own 1.4, you're being shifl russ or generous actually. and if liberals want to defend, so what he does, he shifted the debate to children. she didn't, he did. now you're into a world of gender affirmation care which is the healthy removal of healthy organs from children going through some kind of confusion, all right? so if you, the democrats, dick durbin, you want to defend the removal of healthy organs for kids,
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have at it. you'll just start another war like you did with slavery and you're going to lose this one, too, because no one thinks this is good. no one thinks this is moral. you have to ask yourself, when people were defending slavery and defending jim crow, going through nazi germany, why didn't people realize what they were doing was evil? there are doctors that are removing healthy organs. they're removing external genitalia, breasts, they're blocking puberty which billions have gone through. the idea of stopping it, maybe perhaps for a rare cancer, but this is not what we are talking about. these people don't see themselves as villains, they don't, but they are, th may not see this for years from now, we were talking about this in 100 years, will you see eating animals seen as something disgusting. i don't think you have to go that far. in ten years, the people that participated in this butchery will lose their
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medical license, they may go to jail because the more people learn about this, the more disgusted they are and it crosses all political lines, it crosses all races, creeds, and get this, sexual orientation. >> jesse: some of the surgeries don't even work very well. you heard very traumatic stories about people that have gotten the surgeries and let's not get into the detail but they didn't work. >> absolutely. and i think for anyone that did transition and now regrets it, i feel horrible for them. that isn't the vast yoert of people that had gender affirming care and there are two issues. the sports issue is separate what's going on. >> greg: i am merely pointing out the conflation. >> i said, as greg said, that was a nice thing i did. >> greg: sounded like you said i was conflating it. i'm sorry. >> jessica: great. apology accepted. 70% of americans do not think that, for example,
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leah thomas, should have been able to compete on the collegiate level with girls. that's a huge majority. people win huge legislative battles, uniformity on an issue like that, it is important liberals are the ones talking about this, like me on tv and others, make it clear that this is one of the issues where the activist class is completely out of step with the average person on these issues. it is also true a majority of americans believe that states shouldn't be criminalizing gender affirming care and there are states that are going too far and they're making it out to seem as if you can show up and get anything you want done to yourself, that you don't need parental permission or go through psychiatric evaluations as if transgenderism isn't a real thing that exists, isn't just confusion. people believe they've been born in the wrong body and lead happy lives. >> should biological males
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compete against girls? >> i don't know what the solution is so everybody can compete if they want. >> jeanine: their own lane. >> jessica: some advocate for that. bill maher had a guest on, a swimmer, olympian with an organization for this, advocating for it. i don't know what the solution is, but i know people shouldn't be losing scholarships necessarily for someone with a biological advantage. one of the examples given in testimony yesterday, w -- i think the women's soccer team lost to a younger men's soccer team, but i think that we can make sure transgender people are protected and also talk about the value of competitive sports and that it puts people at a disadvantage. >> greg: the idea of elevating the targeted harm of transgender kids, i need to see the data on that. there are a lot of miserable kids out there,
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thanks to covid, a lot of people going through a lot of problems and we don't hear a thing about them. all we keep hearing is what about the trans kids, it is used to shut down real debates, so somebody has to come armed with actual data at some point. >> jesse: used to make a lot of money, multi billion industry that keeps making more. coming up, democrats want not wanting james comey to spoil joe biden's chance for re-election. at red land cotton, the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news.
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schedule a free consultation. ♪ >> jeanine: democrat senators are in a panic, trying to talk james comey o joe manchin from launching a campaign. the moderate democrat is
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coy on what his plans are. >> a lot of talk recently about the possibility of you running for president. what do you make of that? >> the bottom line is, everyone is trying to find a sense of a reasonable middle. both in the democrat and republican party have gone to extremes. >> jeanine: colorado democrat john hickenlooper said i advised him against it. i think it would be a terrible idea. it would help donald trump. he looked at me and he nodded. all right, sandra. >> terrible idea. anybody that says there are democrats worried about this idea must be in the smaller group of democrats who have said they want him to run for re-election because we know there's a majority of democrats have gone on the record now saying they don't want joe biden to run for re-election. that being said, where's the money. >> jessica: i may defer time to you considering
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the multiple interviews people are expressing nervousness that early fundraiser for joe biden hasn't delivered as they hoped. things are so great in the country as the white house continues to tout, especially on the economy and otherwise, why wouldn't the money be flowing through the door? i think a lot of democrats might be asking that question now. >> jeanine: go ahead, answer it. >> jessica: great. well, he just started his campaign formally last saturday. he has a bunch of fundraisers scheduled. i really don't think money is going to be a problem on either side frankly. top fundraisers come through, costs billions to run an election. whoever the republican candidate is and joe biden will have that money. in terms of what's going on with the third party issue, this surrounds an organization called no labels that they did a good thing, created problem solvers caucus in congress which is a very good thing, moderate place to go, republicans and democrats, but they've
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really gone too far now, so used to be that we need a good alternative to what's out there, say trump is an existential threat, now joe biden is too radical, haven't gotten anything done. democrats are flipping out about that for good reason. they released a map how no label candidates could win the white house, and two-thirds of the electoral votes that a candidate would get came from states joe biden won. so even if biden was going to be able to recreate his map, he would be losing as a result of being a third candidate, whether it is joe manchin or moderate republican, they would toy with anything there, and it is really dangerous. there are a bunch of pieces going after nancy jacobson and her husband, mark penn, one of bill clinton's polsters, and they're not popular these days around d.c. >> jeanine: jesse, it is manchin if he decides to be a third party candidate, not only effects biden but also,
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you lose a senate seat. does that make sense at all? >> jesse: he is going to lose the senate seat to justice, he is down 40 points. his seat is up in 2024. he is trying to save face, bailout on the senate re-election campaign and go nationally with a third party run, and he will play spoiler. he won 300,000 votes in west virginia. biden only won georgia by 11,000. only won arizona by 10,000. you don't think manchin can get a couple thousand in razor thin states to play spoiler? absolutely. if i were joe biden, i would worry about the irs whistle-blower that came out today and said department of justice blocked two felony charges against his son, blocked investigations into the big guy, gave hunter biden a heads up when there were search warrants, and techs message where hunter is threatening the chinese saying my dad is right here, if you don't pay up now, there's going to be
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consequences. i don't know how long the democrats can ignore this stuff. how many whistle-blowers is it going to take? >> jeanine: i would love to get into the whistle-blowers. what about rfk, how does he play into any of this. you're a fan. >> greg: i think if rfk ran independently, he would peel off a lot of republicans. if manchin ran, he would peel off democrats. that's why i want to see four. i want to see four. but it is hard to continue because i always go by the advice of john hickenlooper. first time we called on john hickenlooper for advice. manchin always had two pluses. number one, like rand paul, he is always the odd man out, his vote counts more than his peers, makes his status elevated. and also as a democrat he kind of acts like an adult. you wouldn't see him or rfk jr. participating in an attack on riley gaines, they wouldn't do that,
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they wouldn't call riots mostly peaceful, they wouldn't label parents as terrorists. the point being that moderate democrats aren't interested in framing people as bad. they're beyond politics as punishment, i have seen rfk jr. talk about getting out of the prison of two ideas. the bottom line is these are old school democrats and i kind of really miss them. i kind of like having them around because they're always the backup guy, right? when you don't have a date for the prom. >> jesse: or you need a supreme court justice. >> greg: exactly. so what fills that hole in the democrat party? it has been pretty bad. that's why these people are attractive, even with some of the case, the troubling health beliefs. he still comes off as a sane adult compared to the dick durbins of the world, which is atrocious, disgusting human being. >> jeanine: yes.
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we are going to end on that. i want to put an exclamation on that. coming up, it tastes like chicken, sort of. the fake meat that's coming to a restaurant near you. ses. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. purple mattress's exclusive gelflex grid draws away heat, relieves pressure, and instantly adapts. sleep better, live purple. save up to $800 off mattress sets during purple's july 4th sale. visit or a store near you.
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worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. ♪ >> jessica: the future is here, america. regulators have given the green light for the sale of lab grown chicken. not made using plants, instead uses real living animal cells grown in a lab. judge, would you like to elaborate on the puke noise? >> jeanine: look, as far as i'm concerned it is as expensive as regular organic chicken, so i would rather eat regular organic chicken, and that's the end of it for me. >> jessica: sure, but there are, greg, some people out there that would rather not eat animals. >> greg: yes. i would like to think i am
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one of them, but if the meat is going to be grown in a lab, i don't want you to tell me. just serve it to me because i need to pretend the meat had a cost to the animal for some reason. it is the difference between something real and not real, the difference between sex and pornography, happiness and doing whip its, playing football or playing on a console, there's something about the psychological effect of the investment. by the way, it is not cruel, if you no longer need something, you will stop making it. it happened with horses, the invention of the car. you don't see wild horses, they disappeared. you start doing lab meat, it is not like all of a sudden cattle, chicken, pigs will be all over the place, everybody will have them as pets, they're going to go away. that's why hunting animals keeps animals relevant. >> jesse: you're saying lab meat is like a sex
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doll. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: real meat is like a real woman. and you can tell the difference. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: if you're involved with both? >> greg: exactly what i said. >> jesse: won't be the same, but the experience is definitely different. >> greg: see, it made you smarter. >> meat raised to be killed to put on the grocery shelves versus hunting meat and i love the point of conservation of most ethical hunters, they preserve the land so animals can thrive. >> jesse: are chickens hunted? >> that's the point. the animals are raised to be them. >> this is important. a lot of people make the case this is more environmentally friendly, lab grown meat, raising animals and killing them. i support farmers and ranchers. university of california
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davis of all places have now found that lab grown or cultivated meat's environmental impact is likely to be orders of magnitude higher than retail beef based on current and near term production methods. the environmental impact of lab grown meat is higher than the real stuff. >> greg: do you think if you're a cannibalize, lab grown human will replace your desire for human meat? good fore -- >> jesse: only good for vegans. >> jeanine: if they tell you afterwards you ate lab meat, wouldn't you then throw up? >> greg: if they do it right, i would do it. a lot of people grow lab meat. >> people are conscientious how many animals they're killing. up next, is technology ruining your vacation? there's a phone free island you can visit.
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>> an island near finland is trying to go phone free, asking travel toers ditch smart devices, enjoy the beauty. it is purely voluntary, and cell phones can be used in case of an emergency. so you really don't have to ditch it. just joking. do you think you could do this, judge, could you just put it away and enjoy the beauty around you? >> jeanine: i mean, i walk around and think i did this, bored to tears after 20 minutes and then i would hang myself. i have to have a phone. >> the new poll, jesse, says 77% of middle aged americans between 35 and 54 want to return to a time before society was always plugged in to a time before the always on the internet, cell phones in pockets, do you yearn
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for that. >> jesse: taking the country back to the good ole days? i yearn hard. i don't look at my phone for the day. when i go to bed, i see the scandals at fox. oh, great. then i can't sleep. but it is once a day. >> okay. this harris poll found 63%, 6 in 10 or 3 out of 5 people age 18 to 34 also want to go back to simpler times. do you? >> greg: we didn't know we wanted the web until we had the web. we were perfectly fine without it. gee, i wish i was connected to everybody. i think the cat is out of the pandora's box.
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it is too late. by the way, i like doing this, but i never do it just to not use it, but it is great, you allow the bucket to get filled up again. you have to fill the bucket up with messages and stuff. what are they saying about me, blah blah blah. might get fired. >> jessica to you. some of the visitors are going to be asked to keep their noses out of their phones. it is going to encourage them to go out and enjoy the endless attractions and distraction. >> jessica: i think it is a great suggestion. they don't say it is mandatory. everyone is happier when they can unplug for a little while and i am noticing i read a lot about it, kids in particular are super sensitive to how much their parents are on phones and they get it that you would rather be looking at whatever tweet coming in or text message
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and you should be focusing on what you're doing and you also sleep better without all of the devices. we did a night with no screens in the room and we both slept better than we had in months. >> greg: this isn't new, this is what nude beaches and hotels do. >> jessica: can't take pictures. >> greg: yeah. i found out the hard way. >> jesse: pretend your house is a nude beach for the weekend. that's all you need to do. >> greg: just close the drapes. >> jessica: it is called a digital fast by the way. >> jeanine: the kids are used to it. what are the kids going to do, they're used to playing games on the phones. >> well, that should stop. that discussion will continue. one more thing is next. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of
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>> greg: one more thing. sandra? >> sandra: okay. an amazing night for everyone who works at fox news. we were a part of this special night, tuesday night. fox news media, the annual spotlight awards dinner. it happened this week. the awards are tradition to honor the incredible work done by our employees at the network. suzanne scott highlighting the role everyone plays. >> fox news media is a company that offers growth and opportunity for advancement. as i always said a place that celebrates success and individual achievement. it's one of the reasons we are here tonight. honoring our stars with awards like these, which is truly the most rewarding part of my job. >> it was a spectacular evening. thanks to suzanne. fox news media awarded 12 employees who give it their all. awards included unsung heroes, of the year. impact award. community award and rising star award and dana perino got to announce some winners.
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>> dana: these are the employees will run our company some day, perhaps by the end of the night even. they are still relatively early in their careers. those are the people i love to get my hands on. they are advancing very quickly. so we are all grateful for your presence tonight and for all of your work. >> a special shout-out to all our winners and what great evening it was to celebrate with all of them. i know i sat right next to one of the honorees. judge, i know you were there that evening. it was truly a special evening for all. congratulations to them. >> greg: who won the gutfeld award, do you know? >> you won it last year. >> greg: i won it again. every year give me the gutfeld award. what great show julie banderas! paul mauro, kat timpf, tyrus at 11:00 p.m. that's going to be amazing. guess what just arrived in the mail. my brand new book the king of late night. doesn't come out until july 25th. you can go anywhere and order it, amazon, even. go and look who is on the cover because that's the fun part. can you zoom in on this?
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you can't. look, every single person i crushed late night is on the cover. >> jessica: hanging on down there. >> jesse: who is on your leg? >> greg: fallon. i want people to take a look at it for themselves and order a bunch of copies it. comes out july 25th. >> sandra: congratulations, greg. >> greg: also i have been pictures. >> jesse: that's the best part. >> greg: i have got 50 pictures of my life, all right? who is next? judge? >> judge jeanine: i'm so happy you get to talk about your book. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: all right. a u.p.s. driver went above and beyond to help conceal a delivery intended as a birthday present so as not to spoil the surprise. take a listen. >> hide it if you can because a present for jason. in the mailbox or in there. yeah. under that pillow. >> yeah. i don't have a delivery. i have got the wrong house. >> you are good. >> you got it, man. >> i owe you one, rick. >> all right. it turns out it was a success.
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the driver ended up hiding the gift behind the gate. the fiancee said he had no idea of the exchange once he finally got the gift. >> that's awesome on a firth name basis. >> something is going on between the two. there is a whole story behind there, jesse. >> jesse: totally busted. >> greg: yeah. >> jesse: i have been jealous of greg for so many years i can't even count. this guy has had so much press. so much ma merch. tumblers, hats, "jesse watters primetime," smuggle up in a sweet $500 "jesse watters primetime" sweatshirt. >> greg: $500? >> jesse: i'm not kidding. probably made in china probably $30. >> sandra: wait, they spelled your name wrong. >> jesse: what? very funny, sandra. "jesse watters primetime" we have james comer on this irs whistleblower which i just destroyed jessica over and
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johnny went to the mermaid parade. >> joe biden? >> want to take a peek? >> you got the ukraine documents in there. >> i can tell you a few things. i will let you read them, too. >> jesse: there is johnny. >> greg: jessica, 10 seconds. >> jessica: all-american concert series continuing tomorrow fox square with tyler farrior. head to for v.i.p. access if you are in the area. >> greg: that's it for us. "special report" is up next. hey, trace. >> trace: hi greg, thank you. and good evening, welcome to los angeles. i'm trace gallagher in for bret baier, breaking tonight. we are following to major stories irs whistleblowers have information related to the hunter biden tax investigation and subsequent plea deal. first the u.s. coast guard says it has found debris consistent with the catastrophic implosion of the submersible that disappeared on a mission to view the titanic wreckage. all


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